Thursday, July 9, 2009

My poor baby's nose dive!

This was the result of running to the car to climb in so she could go to her ballet class. Instead of getting in the car, she took a nose dive into the driveway. Needless to say she was so upset that she didn't want to go to ballet anymore. Poor thing!!


The Petersen 5 said...

Oh Man. Arianne has a fat lip too. It must be the season! I hope she feels better soon!

GinaMurph said...

Aww, well give her time, maybe she'll be ready to go back soon. She is still cute though :D.

Anonymous said...

poor little thing. and she missed out on dance and everything. so sad.

Anonymous said...

That must have hurt like crazy but it doesn't seem to be bothering her very much & she's as gorgeous as ever; so all is well. : ) dramma

Viramontes Family said...

how sad!! that looks like it must have been painful!! hopefully it heals up quickly!!

Scott and Jamie said...

poor girl. It's sad our kids have to learn the hard way sometimes.

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Fair Oaks, California, United States
We were married in June of 2004. We have 2 beautiful Children Andalyn who is 4 and Ryan who is 2. We love life and doing things together as a family!