Friday, April 10, 2009

Ok, I think I'm back!! The last 2 months have been CRAZY!!!!!!

To the two of you who I know check to see if I update my blog :) .....I'm back! I hope to get back on track and at least update it every week! The last 2 months have been crazy....Just to name a few things that have been keeping me busy!!

*packing up my old house: Because we down sized I had to go through EVERYTHING to see what I absolutely needed and what could go into our 1 car garage! This process took FOREVER!
*organizing and getting the move to the new house done. Thank you to our family and EDH ward members that came to help!
*unpacking our new house....which we LOVE. We are living in Fair Oaks now in an "attached apartment" at my Great Aunt and Uncles house. It is perfect for us, 1400 square feet 2 bedroom, 2 full bath home!
*Then getting ready for my trip to Utah with my kids and no husband. :( Unfortunately he had to work. My family and I went to take my brother Logan to the MTC on April 1st. Which was probably one of the hardest trips ever because Ryan was sick the whole time with a nasty virus that just got worse when we got home. Although it was a WONDERFUL experience to be at the MTC with Logan and spend those last few days with him in Utah.

So now we have been home from Utah for over a week, and Ryan is just now starting to feel better. So needless to say I have had a hard time finding the time to really do some quality blogging. I have to say I have missed it. It really makes me appreciate every little thing my kids do and helps me keep a "journal" of our little family's lives.

So I'm back and ready for some blogg'n fun!! I hope to get to all of your blogs and get caught up on what all of you have been up too!



Mrs. V said...

Don't forget to post pics of your new hair do! It's SO stinkin' cute!

Ambrea said...

Glad to have you back! Sounds like things have been really crazy! Btw LOVE the pic of Ryan and your bro with their missionary tags...sooooo stinkin'cute!

Chelsy said...

Since Ryan was sick, I will forgive you for not thinking to CALL ME when you literally DROVE PAST MY WORK BUILDING to get to the MTC. You know, since we see each other so often (pretty much only when I make the trip to Cali). :o) Perhaps the next time one of your siblings goes on a mission! :o) Love ya Court!

Marc and Stacy said...

So glad you're back to blogging! And that you are on the upside of all the sickness in your household!

About Us

My photo
Fair Oaks, California, United States
We were married in June of 2004. We have 2 beautiful Children Andalyn who is 4 and Ryan who is 2. We love life and doing things together as a family!