Thursday, January 22, 2009

I have a confession!!!

I am a.....

There needs to be a facebook anonymous or something! I have a blackberry so whenever I have a free moment I check to see if anyone has updated their status. If I do get a second to jump on the computer I log onto facebook first! I tell you this because I know I have slacked big time on updating my blog in a timely manor and I havne't been leaving comments on any of your blogs for that matter! :) I'm guilty of putting facebook first. Forgiving me! I know I'm not the only all need to come out!!


Bratton Family said...

It's okay...I totally understand. I've really learned to love it recently!! I'm bad too!!

Welcome to Newman's World said...

You are so funny thats okay I love the blogs and facebook and If I can't get on I freak out so I will be in class with you lol Your not alone!!!

Robins Fam said...

That is so funny, because I HATE facebook. Lately I've been really noticing a lot the difference in everybody's preferences when it comes to EVERYTHING, and this is another one. But, you go on with your Facebook self! Everyone needs to have some sort of addiction. It keeps us healthy!

just us said...

I'm slowly becoming a facebook addict. LOL! I'm still trying to figure out how it works.
Dusty is addicted to the Mob Wars game on facebook. . .thats the only reason he has one. LOL

Marc and Stacy said...

You are not alone in your additictions-facebook AND blogging is an addiction for a lot of US! :)

Chelsy said...

I don't even have a facebook account...sorry Court, I can't relate. I see all my student employees at work CONSTANTLY on it. Blogs take up too much of my time already, I'd hate to see what else I can't accomplish because I'm on facebook too! haha! :o) I'll let you know if I ever cave, we can be 'friends'.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm proud of your for fessin' up to it! The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, right? :)

I used to be a FB junkie until I found Twitter and oh my it's like FB times ten! If you join, look for me - SuperMom Central.

- Lauren @ SuperMom Central

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Fair Oaks, California, United States
We were married in June of 2004. We have 2 beautiful Children Andalyn who is 4 and Ryan who is 2. We love life and doing things together as a family!