Saturday, July 19, 2008

Date Night, What's that?

So I can't remember the last time that Dave and I were able to go to Dinner and a Movie. Well it happened. I know I can't believe it either! We dropped the kids off with Stacy and Marc (thank you so much guys) and went on a date. It has been so nice to have Stacy and Marc so close for many reasons, one being now we can swap babysitting for each other. I do hope that there are many date's to come for both couples. :) We caught an early showing of Hancock with Will Smith. We really liked it. It had some swearing, however a clever story.
We then just walked down the stairs from the El Dorado Theaters to a Mongolian BBQ. We loved it! If you haven't ever tried it, it is so good!
It was a great time, it was nice to just focus on each other, even if it was just for a few hours. Thanks honey for a fun date!! I love you!


just us said...

How fun! Dust and I got to see Hancock too. I really liked it. And they could of totally done without those swear words. What was the point? The movie would of been just as good.

Anonymous said...

Good for you two.

Welcome to Newman's World said...

Hey girl I just saw your blog on the Bushman's glad to see everything is well and I see you had your son too cute...... You can check out my blog and Anna Min's on there too... Stacy Newman

Carly said...

Hey Courtney. I saw your blog from the Bushman's too. Congrats on your little boy. Your kids are so cute. If you would like an invite to my blog send me an email.

Carly Covington

Kevin and Andrea said...

Nice going on the date night. All too often our date night is putting Avery to bed and watching tv. Oh, well. We'll try to follow your example!

LaPointe Photo Images said...

I'm jealous of your date night. It's been a while for Jeremy and I. Although my Mom has watched Izzy for a couple of hours here and there, the whole time I was gone I couldn't wait to get back home to her. I'm sure I'll get over that though:) Can't wait to see you at camp! It's going to be so fun!

About Us

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Fair Oaks, California, United States
We were married in June of 2004. We have 2 beautiful Children Andalyn who is 4 and Ryan who is 2. We love life and doing things together as a family!